** This tournament is only open to diamond and platinum players, If you have been masters in the past 3 seasons, not including the inflation season, you will be automatically removed from the bracket (season 3, 4, 6)**
If you fail to check in on this website, YOU WILL BE AUTO DROPPED. The website handles this and there is nothing
we can do about it once done.
Map Vetos:
The highest seed player will be "Player A".
The lower seed player will be "Player B".
Map vetos will be done in order ABAB until there are only three maps remaining, the highest seed player will pick the first map, then the choice will alternate.
The final will be BO5, a small break will happen between the semi finals and finals.
This break will consist of a showmatch between the highest ranked players we can find to play for us.
Games will be casted on https://www.twitch.tv/thenydus
For now we ask that no masters and above offrace. While this decision is unpopular, masters and above have numerous tournament opportunities that already exist for them to enter with their main race...
The Nydus Masters Tournaments coming soon*